Yzabel Ginsberg

Author & artist / Auteur & Artiste


Paris, February 1989. With the help of his deadly minion, Necromancer Louis Valdemar is well on his way to awake dark forces no human being should ever play with. Abiding by treaties held up for centuries, the Anima Mundi, an organisation of mages, sends a team of hunters to put an end to this madness, and prevent the French capital from being destroyed.

Bristol, May 2008. Louisa Keynes wakes up in a white hospital room, after a car crash left her in a coma for ten months, only to find that everything has changed, her nights are now plagued by weird dreams, and magic does exist. She has become a Technomancer, a mage able to bend Reality to her will using modern devices—and she’s decided to walk that path as far as she needs to in order to learn more about herself.

London, December 2009. Sys-op Echoes and Blood Witch Ring investigate a series of gruesome murders. At St Pancras railway station, Marek Van Cartier is wreaking havoc, a sweet smile on his lips. At Tottenham Court Road Tube station, Lyle Karlowitz is staring at a heartless woman in a colourless world. From beyond a wall of thorns, the hand of death is about to curb the fates of thousands of people. And Louisa is riding the Northern Line, unknowingly rushing towards the encounter that will turn her life to shambles.

What was and what is shall now meet.


Was is a novel in progress I started in November 2009 for NaNoWriMo. Over the past few years, it’s been providing me with quite some fun.

The first volume, Was itself, weaves two major plotlines: one set in 2009 London, and the other in 1989 Paris. Light is also shed on several other events in 1654, 2008 and a few other significant dates (significant for the ones involved, that is). All the while, it follows the steps of several characters whose lives slowly become tangled after they witness strange occurrings closely linked to the world of the dead.

The second volume, Is, focuses on the 2009 arc, its other main timeframe being 1943 and—again—a couple of others.

This story only exists in English; for the time being, I have no plans of translating it. However, I do plan on self-publishing it as an ebook, since this is an experiment I definitely want to make. As a prelude to this, you can read the novel online here.

Was est un roman en cours, commencé en 2009 pour NaNoWriMo. Ces dernières années, il m’a fourni un certain nombre d’occasions de m’amuser.

Le premier volume, Was lui-même, tisse deux intrigues majeures: l’une à Londres en 2009, et l’autre à Paris en 1989. D’autres événements se font jour également, en particulier en 1654, 2008 et autres dates significatives (pour les intéressés, s’entend). L’histoire suit les traces de plusieurs personnages dont les vies se retrouvent liées après qu’ils ont été témoins d’étranges manifestations liées de près au monde des morts.

Le second volume, Is, se concentre sur la partie 2009, son autre intrigue majeure se situant en 1943 et – là encore – quelques autres périodes.

Cette histoire n’existe qu’en anglais; pour le moment, je n’ai pas l’intention de la traduire. Cependant, je compte la faire paraître en auto-publication sous forme d’ebook, car c’est une expérience que j’ai vraiment envie de tenter. En guise de prélude à cela, le roman est en ligne ici.

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